Casa Alba a dat publicitatii un comunicat de presa dupa intalnirea de la Washington dintre vicepresedintele american Joe Biden si premierul Dacian Ciolos, in care sunt trecute in revista temele discutiei dintre cei doi oficiali. "Vicepresedintele a laudat eforturile premierului Ciolos de implementare a reformelor absolut necesare pentru buna guvernanta si statul de drept", se arat in comunicat.

Dacian Ciolos in fata Casei AlbeFoto: AGERPRES

Cei doi oficiali au convenit asupra necesitatii ca eforturile reformiste din Republica Moldova sa fie sustinute si accelerate, potrivit comunicatului citat.

Biden si Ciolos au discutat si despre summitul NATO din Varsovia (8-9 iulie) si au convenit ca e necesar ca aliatii sa intareasca postura de aparare si descurajare pe flancul sudic si cel estic, un subiect de maxima importanta pentru Romania.

Cei doi oficiali au mai discutat si despre importanta dezvoltarii sectorului energetic din Romania pentru securitatea energetica europeana.

Comunicatul oficial al Casei Albe, varianta integrala (lb. engleza):

The Vice President met today with Prime Minister of Romania Dacian Ciolos. The Vice President praised Prime Minister Ciolos's efforts to implement critically-needed governance and rule of law reforms, noting that continued progress on reforms will further strengthen Romania’s democratic and economic development and the economic partnership between Romania and the United States. The Vice President thanked Prime Minister Ciolos for Romania's contributions to the Counter-ISIL Coalition and to the NATO mission in Afghanistan, and he expressed condolences over the deaths of two Romanian soldiers killed in Afghanistan on May 7. The leaders agreed on the importance of ensuring that Allies take steps in the lead-up to the July 8-9 NATO Summit in Warsaw to strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and defense posture on the eastern and southern flanks. The leaders also discussed the importance of the development of Romania's energy sector to European energy security and noted the need to support and accelerate Moldova's reform efforts.